§ A Survey of Economic Theory For Validating Data

§ 2021-12-25

As they should be, those last days were quite reflective and so I couldn't help but also think about what I want to achieve with the rugpulld network.

A small reminder for the uninitated: In my last post, titled "Community Crawler", I laid out a number of goals to build a new generation data sourcing network. Instead of launching already existing data sets as data tokens, the idea of the rugpulld network is to make data a continuous commodity, essentially a signal that you can turn on and off.

Shortly after formulating the idea as a post, the muse kissed me and I found myself deeply down the peer to peer network rabbit hole. It's been an awesome and exciting time. I love learning and so sing Protocol Lab's libp2p was really an epiphany. It's matured greatly.

So far, I managed to create a client that, when booted, dials a bootstrap node and connects itself to other nodes in the network. I've also started experimenting with libp2p's gossip-based pubsub package and was able to broadcast a message to all peers.

But during my time reading and learning, I overheard an engineer say that working with trust and authority in p2p networks is particularly tricky and I loved that. It's yet another type of network topology with a different power dynamic.

§ Web3 is Self-Certifying

I recently read Jay Grabers "Web3 is Self-Certifying" article, that points out the space's pinacle idea. And she uses authority as a determining quality, which I find great as I've been exploring the idea of deontic and epistemic authorities myself, when I wrote that "On-chain, the emperor wears no clothes". But going into her definitions, the different versions of the web have various interesting characteristics that can be helpful to understand. She defines:

Web3 then is user-generated content and also user-generated authority. The tools to provide users with the responsibility, accountability and authority over what is correct are gradually being rolled out. IPFS features content-addressed data, Ethereum and Bitcoin educated a large user base to keep signing keys safe and to trust in the Nakamoto Consensus. git gave programers the ultimate provenance tool.

Graber's article ends with the idea that crypto currencies are really a subset of protocols that are being built for Web3 and that its distinguishing quality is user-generated authority or self-certification.

I found it interesting to mention her piece as it was a kind of catalist for the problem space I want to explore with the community crawler and the rugpulld network.

§ Validating Data in an Equipotent p2p Network

So that's where the the most challenging part resides: in knowing what's write but only having the responses of equals.

Actually, introducing any kind of systematic authority is basically like a get-out-of-jail card for any developer. If I can know how my code executes and that it will ultimately reach conditions that I have control over - then I can tightly sleep at night.

In case I have a webserver that takes in market price data, I may only care slightly about user submitted inputs. Sure, I don't want to get hacked to I try sanitizing them. If I'm the server's owner and control the code, for most things mathematical or deterministically-resolvable, I can make the rules and adjust the code. I can be in control of deterministic outputs easily by invoking authoritative power: I can ban bad actors or even make things right again.

In a peer to peer network where everyone has the same power and authority, I can't do that (alone). Combating bad behavior or even just controlling certain outcomes can become mechanically challenging.

I've said in my last post, titled "Community Crawler", that I wanted to source data or information via bounties. I said that I want to pay bounty hunters for submitting data. I've been largely clueless how such things could be achieved in a p2p network and when that realization hit me, I started searching for information online. My idea, that I'm now also documenting below was to survey existing solutions.

§ Economic Data Validation Projects

§ Chainlink V1 Price Oracles

Chainlink has their own token and to incentivize users to upload price information into smart contracts, it employs a "stupid" implicit staking strategy. "Stupid" because Eric Wall claims that implicit staking isn't cryptoeconomic. "Implicit" because truly Chainlink doesn't ask for any sort of staking from price feed providers.

See, their idea is that they want to source the price of a ticker e.g. USD/ETH frequently. In their topology, an oracle is a network node aggregating price feed from providers.

To get started, oracles announce bids for tickers. Incentivized price feed providers then start sending data to the oracle. In a second step, the oracle then aggregates the various prices by finding the most plausible value from the set.

Chainlink's whitepaper defines multiple approaches and they all sounds somewhat like calculating a median - but I've see the term "quickselect" (selecting the middle value) being used to. Interesting.

The overall idea is slightly more complicated than I outlined above and they've also patched a bunch of stuff with their V2 whitepaper. But the essence of their protocol is finding an aggregate out of a set of incentivzed price feed provider submission. Their stake is "implicit" because only future revenue of a price feed provider is at stake, because in the case of wrongdoing, they'll get banned from submitting.

§ Erasure Bay

Erasurebay is probably most akin to Ocean Protocol as it essentially is based on trading media blob data and centered around a high-level end-user. It's the reverse process that OP has implemented and so it allows a user to request data with tokens rather than offer it.

The protocol has some nice monetary incentives built in too and really, you could ask for any type of information on Erasure Bay. Solutions for your homework, a zero-day for Windows or the latest USD/BTC price.

What's great about it, is that the bounty hunter is equally bound to a bounty's positive outcome as is its original proposer. It's because if the proposer isn't satisfied with the submissions, they're free to partially destroy a submitter's stake for punishment.

So don't submit shit to Erasure Bay as you might regret it.

§ Numerai (Signals)

Numerai is third on our list and also has an interesting staking concept for their machine learning competition but also their platform for sourcing original signals (called "Numerai Signals").

In both cases, their validation algorithm isn't entirely clear (it's closed source) but somehow weights submissions based on their attached staking value. In their network, submitting a data model to the challenge and attaching $1.000 worth of Numeraire is of higher quality than a model being submitted along with, for example, $5 worth of stake.

Without really knowing what's going on behind the scenes, I've been in love with their cryptoeconomic model from the first time I read their whitepaper: They force submitters to stake in Numeraire, simultaneously not only making them more likely to submit quality given their active stake - but also by being more careful as they've become part of a financial collective holding the Numeraire token. If everyone just submitted crap, they'd still be bonded on-chain and they'd be making a loss on their Numeraire.

From what I know,however, Numerai doesn't slash stakers for wrong-doing. Instead, they use positive enforcement and so that means they're paying overachievers in their native token.

§ Bitcoin & Nakamoto Consensus

I originally planned to evaluate Band Protocol in this step, but during writing I decided to also give Bitcoin a shot.

I think Bitcoin, as the other protocols, can be seen, too, as an oracle machine if we consider left-padding a nounce with zeros to be a data sourcing task.

In Nakamoto Consensus, the bounty is finding a random number given a commonly-agreed-upon difficulty. The difficulty informs the amount of left-padded zeros in a binary representation of the random number included in a new block.

However, in contrast to Chainlink and Erasurebay, Bitcoin doesn't have to deal with the continuous uncertainty of submissions being truthfully. In fact, the consensus assumption of a nounce being correct is validatable by any one single node by navigating the block sequence with the fork choice rule: The valid chain tip with the most work is always preferred, meaning, that if we'd unequivocably be able to tell valid data submissions from invalid ones (as e.g. Bitcoin by counting the number of left-padded zeros in the binary representation of the nounce), repurposing Nakamoto Consensus could be an option.

§ Band Protocol

The last such protocol that I've taken a look at was Band Protocol. Their whitepaper was also cool, albeit I haven't managed to take it in fully.

They too outlined interesting ideas, one of them being called "Decentralized Validator Sampling." It's to connect stake to the likelyhood of being selected for validating a data source. The avid crypto whitepaper reader knows, this is how Bitcoin's sortition (or any other PoW chain) works as well. Mining rigs and graphic cards are essentially just lottery tickers for increasing the chance of being selected writer of a block and receiving the coinbase reward.

The block reward itself is, herein, an incentive to leave the chain tidily for posterity. Because if the chain isn't left tidily, fork choices might get invoked by the next honest lottery winner and a malicious block submitter's block rewards "uncled" out of existence.

I haven't gone too deep into Band Protocol's whitepaper but that's been the main idea was able to comprehend.

§ Conclusion

OK, this post was a bit of a deep dive into some of the protocols that make use of data sourcing and economic validation. Web3 is about self-certification and rugpulld ought to become such a program too. Albeit, ideally without its own blockchain data structure as I'd be happy if, to keep complexity down, we could leverage existing chains but spin up our own peer to peer network.

I think writing about these protocol helped some of my synapses to pathfind better for next time and I'm hoping to be more eloquent next time when we talk about those things. For the time being, I hope you also enjoyed the article and were able to learn something too.

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