§ About

You're more likely to lose your funds in a rugpull if you stake or invest in data assets with a high concentration of ownership. The higher the concentration of ownership the higher the risk of a rugpull.

A rugpull is when a publisher puts their money into a data token liquidity pool and then attracts others to contribute their funds too. The publisher then withdraws the funds taking away their initial investment and the funds of unsuspecting contributors, pulling the rug out from underneath them.

We monitor rugpull risk for the top data token pools across Ocean Protocol and Big data protocol by analysing data on the blockchain. The inequality rating shows how concentrated the ownership of a data token pool is helping you make more informed investing and staking decisions.

The rugpullindex is built by a community of contributors to help you identify the risk of getting rugpulled. Our team is continuing to monitor new risks for data token stakers and investors and looking to expand our coverage across more networks.

If you are interested in learning more or becoming active within this project, join us on Discord.


§ Vision

We want to continue providing transparency through data to make Web3 investing and staking safer for regular users.

§ Technical Details

We crawl all of Ocean Protocol's data markets on a daily basis. All data markets are then ranked relatively to their market's liqudity and by how concentrated the ownership is of the liquidity providers (we use a gini coefficient).

For a more thorough technical insight take a look at our specification.

§ Team

rugpullindex.com is built by:

and many others in the OceanDAO community. Visit us on Discord to say hi!